Admissions and Fees – Hackney

Admissions and Fees - Hackney

Nursery Fees

For Non-Funded Children:2019/2020

Full Time:

  • 4 months-2years old……………………………£240.00 per week/ £1,040.00 per month
  • 2- 3 years old…………………………………….... £235.40 per week/ £1,020.06per month
  • 3 - 5 years old……………………………………...... £230.40 per week/ £998.40 per month

Part Time:

  • 5 Mornings (8am to 1pm) ……………………… £150.00 per week/ £650.00 per month (When available)
  • 5 Mornings (Baby Room only)…………………£165.00 per week/ £715.00 per month (When available)
  • 5 Afternoons (1pm to 6pm) ………………………£150.00 per week/ £650.00 per month (When available)
  • 5 Afternoons (Baby Room only)………………£165.00 per week/ £715.00 per month (When available)

Daily Rates:

Full Day (8am to 6pm)
  • 4 months – 2 Years old ……………………………….. £50.00 per day when available (Minimum of 3 days per week)
  • 2- 3 Years Old ……………………………………………. £47.31 per day when available (Minimum of 3 days per week)
  • 3- 5 Years Old …………………………………………….. £47.31 per day when available (Minimum of 3 days per week)

Parents/Carers should contact the nursery for more information about the 2-3 years old 15 hours free childcare entitlement and also the 3-5 years old 15-30 hours free childcare entitlement. Both funding are available.

Fee includes:

Morning Snack
Lunch (All Day sessions and Morning sessions)
Afternoon Tea (All Day sessions and afternoon sessions)