4 Months - 2 Years
The baby room is the base for the youngest members of Bloomers Day Nursery. The activities planned here mainly allow the children to explore through their senses, through messy play, bubbles, and creative work with paint and glue. We also focus on their fine and gross motor skills and physical development using building blocks, as well as more physical activities. The baby room children learn through the 3 prime areas which are PSED (Personal, social and emotional development) CL (Communication & Language) and PD (Physical Development). The 4 Specific areas are also implemented through activities such as UW (Understanding of the world) LIT (Literacy) MD (Mathematics) EAD (Expressive arts and design). Staff deliver and produce holistic observations based on all areas of the EYFS. At Bloomers Day Nursery we use Famly, an online journal in which your child’s observations, assessments and pictures throughout their time at Bloomers will be uploaded and parents/carers can access and view online anytime they like. Parents/Carers receive an email once they sign up at Bloomers which allows them to create their Famly account, once your child leaves for school or moves on your child’s learning journal can be downloaded.

This age group have access to the garden where they can explore the environment and nature. There are slides and small bikes for children to master their physical development, and there are bubbles, water play, sand play, Legos and small toy animals for those who are not yet able to walk. The children in the baby room also participate in daily sessions of circle time, where they learn new nursery rhymes, using props and they join in with actions and also listen to stories. Babies take part in messy play, painting and other creative activities where they can explore mixing colours and different textures.
Why Choose Us?
Staff in the baby room are friendly and welcoming, they meet the needs of all the children and their parents/carers. Staff ensure that they develop a solid key person and parent/carer relationship. Staff observe their key children and write personal observations for them which parents/carers can access on Famly (online journal). Staff also complete 6 weeks of on-entry reports for each child, and then every 3 months onwards of which parents/carers can also access on Famly, an online journal. In this way, there are clear indicators of how the children are developing at the Nursery. Staff are available to speak to their key children’s parents/carers if there are any concerns.