3 - 5 Years
This is the older group at Bloomers Day Nursery - the Pre-School children. The focus here is preparation for primary school and the children learn through the 7 areas of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) which are, PSED (Personal, social and emotional development) CL (Communication & Language) and PD (Physical Development) and the 4 Specific areas are also implemented through activities such as UW (Understanding of the world) LIT (Literacy) MD (Mathematics) EAD (Expressive arts and design). Staff routinely deliver and produce holistic observations which covers all areas of the EYFS. Pre-School children are at a new stage in their development, they are preparing for school. At Bloomers Day Nursery we use the Famly app an online journal in which your child’s observations, assessments and pictures throughout their time at Bloomers will be uploaded allowing parents/carers online access for viewing at any time.

The Pre-School children attend a lot of special educational visits outside of the Nursery such as visiting museums, trips to the supermarket to learn about different food items like vegetables, fruits, grains etc. More regular visits include going to the local library for weekly story sessions, trips to the forest to collect natural objects for their small world area, trips to flower shops to learn more about flowers, seeds, etc. in their environments. The Pre-School children take part in many activities on-site to extend their knowledge and development. These cover all areas of the EYFS, for example, activities on physical development, through purposeful play, to more academic learning including numeracy and literacy.
The Pre-School children are encouraged to further develop independence such as carrying out daily tasks and activities e.g. setting the tables for lunch, self-serving their food at meal times, washing up cups and plates after meals, baking activities, preparing sandwiches and tidying up after activities. Pre-School children take part in registration each morning to prepare them for the transition to primary school. They also enjoy role playing schools and dressing up in donated school uniform for them to explore what school is like and also to be better prepared for school.
Pre-Schoolers also occasionally enjoy visits from their new school teachers who come in to the nursery to meet them.
Why choose us?
Staff in the Pre-School room are friendly and welcoming, they meet the needs of all the children and their parents/carers. Staff ensure that they develop a key person and parent/carer relationship. Staff observe their key children and write personal observations for them in which the parents can access on the Famly app, staff complete 6 week on entry reports for the children once they start, and then every 6 months (January and July) of which parents/carers can also access on the Famly app, an online journal. This allows us to have clear indicators of how the children are developing at the Nursery and be able to plan those next steps to move them on in their development. Each child receives a Transition Report which they take to Reception class. This can help their new teacher understand their personality and needs. Pre-School children and their parents/carers thoroughly enjoy their graduation party at the end of the year because professional children’s entertainers are invited to perform. The Pre-Schoolers also receive a graduation certificate at the end of the graduation ceremony.